The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson (Heathen Edition)

The House on the Borderland

Spine #8
William Hope Hodgson
First Edition
Heathen Edition
April 3, 2019
December 21, 2022
Heathen Genera
Creepy AF
Paperback ISBN
Hardcover ISBN

For a couple of centuries, this house has had a reputation, a bad one, and until I bought it, for more than eighty years, no one had lived here.

I am not superstitious, but I have ceased to deny that things happen in this old house — things that I cannot explain; therefore, I must ease my mind by writing down an account of them, to the best of my ability; though, should this, my diary, ever be read when I am gone, the readers will but shake their heads and be the more convinced that I was mad.

This house, how ancient it is! though its age strikes one less, perhaps, than the quaintness of its structure, which is curious and fantastic to the last degree. Little curved towers and pinnacles, with outlines suggestive of leaping flames, predominate.

I have heard that there is an old story, told amongst the country people, to the effect that the devil built the place . . .

William Hope Hodgson (1877-1918) was an English author best known for The Night Land (1912) and, this, his second novel, The House on the Borderland. Noted by H. P. Lovecraft as “a classic of the first water,” it is considered a literary milestone that signaled a radical departure from the typical Gothic fiction of the late 19th century, ushering in a newer more realistic and scientific cosmic horror that left a marked impression on those who would become the great writers of weird tales of the mid-twentieth century. The story within the story is a hallucinatory account of an old recluse and his very strange house in which he experiences attacks by supernatural swine-beasts, travels to otherworldly dimensions, and bears witness to the destruction of the solar system — “it is galactic adventure, prophetic fantasy, macabre romance, and drugless trip, and brilliantly unites its many disturbing elements, easily equalling, if not surpassing, all predecessors and contemporaries.”

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"This extraordinary novel defies categorization."
Alexis Lykiard

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