Whispering Dust by Eldrid Reynolds (Heathen Edition)

Whispering Dust

Spine #37
Eldrid Reynolds
First Edition
Heathen Edition
August 31, 2023
Heathen Genera
Paperback ISBN
Hardcover ISBN

“Your little friend thinks I’m an incredible sort of person,” he remarked. “Do you think I’m incredible?”

“I think you’re — improbable,” I said.

“I suppose I am,” he replied, and I hated the satisfied way he said it. “I’m a success, you know.”

“Yes,” I answered.

“It’s one thing to be a success and quite another to make a success of things,” he went on. “What are you?” he said suddenly.

“I’m a failure.” I had never known it till then. But of course I am; I see it. I’ve never done anything; from every aspect by which a woman is judged, and rightly, I am a failure.

“Success is the worst sort of failure . . . ”

Dora Eldrid Reynolds (1889–1958) — the daughter of artist, poet, and author Amy Dora Reynolds, who wrote using the nom de plume Mrs. Fred Reynolds — was an artist and author in her own right, albeit one with a very brief career. In 1913, she published her second and final novel Whispering Dust, in which 33-year-old Naomi, “a curate’s orphan and a curate’s niece,” who, after 30 years of living amongst grime and turnip fields and having “done nothing,” journeys to Egypt to wander its streets, tombs, and desert in search of more, of something intangible yet somehow just within reach, of what she can only inadequately express as Space (with a capital S) — all while narrating the story to You, a man whom she is quite certain she has invented and who does not exist . . . or does he? Rendered with vivid, poetic prose and colorful descriptions that bring Egypt alive on the page, Whispering Dust is an overlooked and forgotten gem of early modernist literature.
"A book of indescribable charm."
The Boston Globe
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